anti-hero creation

Foreword: An attempt to create a new anti-hero for a series of paintings. Something set in 1900’s Jordan maybe.


A blade shined out of the darkness and stabbed him.

It quickly withdrew itself into the pitch black as he fell into

a defensive stance, his arms crossing over his chest, his

legs crouched in a fetal position. He tucked his head in upon

facing the darkness, as it would feel, as it would stop that


A rising light came to him. Surged from inside a the

corse and pushed away that darkness and surged with

power, surged with light. The darkness receeded, waiting

for the light to lose its’ grandeur. And like a sick joke, when

the flare wavered, it stabbed him again.

and again.

He stood against the tide, trying to summon that light

again. Tried to protect himself, tried to defend. But that

darkness continued. A one-sided fight that would soon

cease to exist.

There came two options. Protect himself with what was

already trapped within him, or push the world away again. He

held his breath, staring at the darkness ahead. It already

affected him, stocked against his body, poisoned his core. A

shake of his head was all that it took before he drew the line

and cut off the worlds’ darkness away from him. Keeping himself

safe, he created a wall that separates his own blood to the world.

But that darkness within him reminded that folly of pushing away

the world, as the moment he releases that gust, it will return tenfold.

It reminded himself of that pain.
