I’m the one with the cigarettes

Lighting the third cigarette in a row

Lit it, smoke it, wash it away with small puffs of smoke.

In Arabic they say ishrab il cigara.

To drink it away.

A community of rebellion or being a man.

That’s the thing about smoking though, always found it to be something in particular for traveling. Travel here, travel there, always have a pack of friends but you know that friendship will last five ten minutes until you have another one. And then you become that obnoxious asshole that people stare at in disgust. But that’s fine. It is much better than to stand around doing nothing and waiting for life to take you away. Give a cigarette away to those who would like it. There was a girl at a bus stop who asked me for one. I looked at her and asked how old she was. A curt 16, and a “are you gonna gimme one or not”

Too young to smoke, too young to smoke, I told her she’s too young to smoke, and to get insulted then and there for judging and it’s not my place and stuff.

And to look at her with a grin, bringing up the third cigarette to my lips and say,

– I’m the one with the cigarettes.

One thought on “I’m the one with the cigarettes”

  1. open smiles
    mischievous eyes
    telling tales of adventurous times

    uncovering layer after layer all the while
    showing no mercy at all

    because underneath that cheerful air is a self determined man

    writing was never one of my talents
    words were never my friends
    but tonight they didnt need to be
    for I think I get you
