
As I mentioned below, there was the “Request” piece, as a request for War. This is the second piece, “Denied”. Denied here is the love between the gas masked man and the skeleton. It’s a love that won’t work out. So on one hand, the requests for war fall through. For guns and such. But on the other, for love?


Anyways, here is the piece. Enjoy:

Denied, Rapture Series
Denied, Rapture Series

6 thoughts on “Denied”

    1. It really does. I think this one in particular is my favorite. There is this one, and the “May I take you away” piece that are actually my favorites up to now.

      Anyways, did you catch the words in the background?

      1. I tend to put words in the pieces to hide things, or help bring direction or focus to certain parts. For other pieces for instance, it’s part of the decor. You have world of toys, for instance, that can be flipped over three different ways and it says a different story, the image is different for each one.

        All of this makes it even more exciting to implement – taking writing as an art form by itself.
