Quote from Paprika and Art Nouveau

Watched Paprika earlier today, and my favorite bout of insanity was when the Chief started to talk about discipline and stream into madness. An amazing film that kept my jaw down as I struggled to wrap my head around some of the scenes – it was really enjoyable. Working on some art now taking the music as inspiration. Trying out Art Nouveau as a style now as well.

“I believe we’ve been getting sidetracked
I believe we need to find the mini, and not Paprika’s bikini
This requires discipline.
Yes Sir!
True satisfaction
That’s what discipline brings
Even the fine court ladies dancing to frog flutes and drums and even the world of the excited paper
Computer graphics playing in my head, and I like it!
I don’t support technical aparfiets and those snobby petty little forces that sit there and eating
And my position on that is common knowledge
To everyone in the Oceana
Now the time has come to return home to the great blue sky!
Where confetti falls like star dust and everything shaken around the shrine gates with the mailbox and the refridgerator leading the hip-hop festival!
Anyone who has concerned about experation dates step aside now!
No one gets in the way of my glory crane.
They really need to analyze all the members of the triangle goose party.
This whole festival was put together by twenty third graders with lots of support from one panda!
You see?
Now I am truly grand, the ultimate one!
Take Me! Take Me Now!
