Thoughts on the upcoming competition.

So there is a game design competition being held soon. I think I mentioned that before. I want a team of four.

  • Coder
  • Writer
  • Sound
  • Art

I don’t want it to be among friends, but four people who can work together to make as many games as they can, with the purpose of making as much money as they can while dishing out high quality works. The competition is going to be for 3 months, with no rules saying that we have to start from scratch. So why stop at just one?

The meeting about the rules of the competition is on Monday. I’m sure that other people have already made their groups as well. To be honest though, if I find a good group to work with, I am not going care about the competition as much as working with the (men and/or women) to create as many games as we can.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t.
