The Rabbit Hole, Garage, Mad Water, Steaks and commissions.

I met with Gustav, and was able to get a much clearer idea on the shop design. I printed out the “Apocalyptic Gears” piece, and I got a new commission from Garage because of it. Garage is a pub at the bar street in Hamra. They asked for a piece similar to that one, but a tad more grungy.

I’ll need to head to Rabbit Hole at around 1 am, and take two pictures. One of a person to be done in the same style as the “Apocalyptic Gears”, and another one of the place itself to be done something similar to Mad Water.

Meeting with Charlie though at Mad Water, we’re going be putting screws or clips through the piece so it fits into the table, and then we talked about the other pieces and what we can do for them. My suggestion was four pieces, two for both of the owners and two for the staff. The circular tables downstairs would need to be done as well. so that’s around 13 more paintings for that, 16 total excluding the one already completed.

So, sixteen and two for Rabbit Hole, one for Garage, the Gear’s piece is going be put up at Captain’s Cabin, leaving one more for that place. That means around 20 more commissions.

Tomorrow night I’ll be pulling the all-nighter to complete the “Death Machine” piece on the plexiglass. 3 by 3, so 9 paintings total. Printing for the painting would be done tomorrow, semi-glossy paper. Repaint that, stick it on, and paint it out. I’ll need to finish the Gustav piece before Saturday, with the materials at hand then. They would be closing on Sunday till 12 pm, so I will have 12 hours to complete the piece then instead of the standard 7. So that’s another all-nighter planned.

On the plus side though, got 9 steaks for 6 USD at the supermarket, split those in half so that’s almost a month’s meal ready. Cooked the first whole one today, using J&B, cinnamon, white pepper, a heaping of spices, a healthy dose of butter and of course oil. Made a cup of rice with cinnamon and J&B, with some nuts mixed inside. After the steak was done, diced that up, mixed it into the rice, and threw in veggies cooked in the steak sauce inside. Yum.

I need to finish as much of the Gustav piece now as I can, the black and white sketch now then the color drafts later. And then I need to finish the Rabbit hole paintings when I’m back, and maybe toss in the Garage pieces as well.

4 thoughts on “The Rabbit Hole, Garage, Mad Water, Steaks and commissions.”

    1. Still at work? You’re cat Freddie is getting more daring, after it stop getting fed meat. Seriously, it started staring at me when I was eating, I looked away, and saw it at my feet. Then it let out one meow.

      Either that, or I should stop dangling the meat in front of it and eating it with relish.
