Interview tomorrow for the gallery

Have an interview tomorrow for a gallery.. I was told to pass between 2 to 5 pm, so I’ll need to borrow my roommate’s bike if he’s fine with it. Hmm, I was thinking about potential prizes for the competitions too.

Here’s the thing. I want to hold one every week or every other week. If there are people willing to put up a prize, or a discount card or something as a reward, that would be great. But that would be best for people within the same country. So the other option is a potluck prize. Each person puts in a couple of dollars and the winner takes all. The money from that would be transferred with paypal or something to the winner.

Anyways, that’s for a later point. Lets see what happens with this one now – and I really need to get back to working on the art. Still 23 paintings left, and then I need to submit more t-shirt designs. Hmmm…
