Category Archives: Art

Request for War

Part of the Rapture Series. There is a Request painting, which is this one, and a Denied painting, which follows. The Request is for guns, and denied is for love. Strange thing really.

request for war
request for war

Don’t Go in There

Don’t Go in There, Rapture series. Character design by Shawkat Houri, Painting by Sagger Khraishi


Don't go in there

Death Machine W.I.P.

This is the death robot that I’m working on. The client asked for something along the lines from RT online, so I nabbed one of the robots there, and am working on getting the same feeling as RT, but changing the robot entirely.

So I put in the lines for the machine and put in the shield and sword. Next step is to add in the metallic armor, so reddish blackish hues like a skyrim daedric armor. Bulk him up, add death lasers as a mantle around the neck. Skulls would be hanging down the sword from enemies slain. He would be wading out of a bloody battlefield, standing almost triumphantly on a hill. Then I have to put in the words GG, so I was thinking that it would be both on the shield and the cape.

Fun stuff.


Reverse Engineering a death robot from RT online.
Reverse Engineering a death robot from RT online.

New Art (Joker and Death Robot Machine)

So I had two commissions so far: One was for a painting of the Joker, and another for this giant death robot thingy to be painted on the wall of an internet cafe. Joker is finished, I need to find the memory card chip so I can put that here.

But for the robot, i’m still working on the design for that. 1.5 meters tall and around 8 feet long. I’ll be finishing this one in a few days. Fun!

edit: Found the micro sd card, here we go

Repainted for Joe
Repainted for Joe

Two more shirt designs passed!

Two more shirt designs passed. One in black, the other inverted!

 Black skull Gentleman

Spreadshirt Market Place Design

Black skull Gentleman

Poetry exercise

Foreword: This is perhaps one of my favorite things to create poetry. The exercise itself is simple enough, you take a paragraph, and break it up. I will be using an interview of Jean Francois Lepage by Anita Zechender called, “Shaking the Soul” page 83, Image in Progress N. 3.


“The photography of Jean-Francois Lepage, a genial artist and a Parisian, reproduced finite and decadent traits. Female souls are models in a world whose contours are drawn by the human pen. Paradoxical stage sets eho an elegant and sophisticated fashion, which shows its infinitesimal plasticity, capable of invading the eyes with matter and fabrics but of preparing the mind to the surreal. Lepage’s art is complex, as it transcends the world of fashion, touches upon graphics and painting, calls to mind cinema to finally reach the philosophy of existence.”


“The concept of woman as an inspirational muse, custodian of the mystery of seduction is abandoned in favor of transformist bodies, without sexuality, headless. “Avatars” that allow access to a mysterious Surreality, sinister and magic at time which is suggested as a possible safe haven. This are post-modern, unobvious images; they are subversive, nearly troublesome, never natural yet so fitting in all historical periods.”


In order to create a collage out of it, I am also going to be introducing another paragraph as well to mix and match. One will be in bold, the underlying lines italicized, and the other plain.


1: reproduced finite and decadent traits. Female souls are models in a world contours are drawn by the human pen. Paradoxical echo sophisticated and elegant fashion infinitesimal plasticity invading the eyes with matter and fabrics preparing the mind to the surreal. Transcends upon graphics and painting reach philosophy of existence.

2: An inspiration muse, custodian of seduction in favor of the concept of woman without sexuality, headless. Access to a mysterious Surreality, which is suggested as sinister and magic, a possible safe haven. Post-modern, images, subversive never natural yet fitting in all historical periods.


Now that the key words that I want were selected, I will continue with mixing them together. As if it were a 10 by 10 poem, it should read together, yet become an understandable separate poem if split apart. It becomes a decadent assembly of words set together as a collage to form a new art – yet at the same time retains the original sensibilities.


Finite and decadent        concept      reproduced

[by]female souls        ina           world[of]contours

are sinister         models      yet in a world drawn

by  inspiration  muse ofseduction thehuman

pen     SophisticatedSubversive      and elegant 

fashion    invadingtheeyes     with       a possible  

post-modern   safe/haven and      parado-

xical infinitesimal plasticity           preparing the

fitting          mind           all              tothegraphic

                 philosophy of existence.


And there we go.

A couple new pictures

A couple of pictures, something to create worlds out of.

Delving into the Insane Dreams of a Dead Man

Foreword: I was thinking about the next few pieces of art, so one option is to illustrate this writing. Each part could fit possibly four paintings, so twelve total? I feel like this would be something interesting to explore, who knows.


Delving into the Insane Dreams of a Dead Man.


I didn’t mean for everything to disappear as it did. Insanity has no part with the singular mind. But when it becomes a dual sense, a duality with not just me, but with you – questions that would have been raised in one sense are no longer there. The matron of my fears bade me welcome as I walked on the street, wandering and wondering about what happens around me. The matron of my fears – stared at the world and stared at me and asked me those questions that asked me nothing but the insanity that was growing in me.

I took to walking the streets at night. Night, early early morning. Where there is a silence but for the occasional car that drives by. A twilight, a glimmer, of nothingness. That silence I wanted in my head, but had to leave for outside because my head wasn’t enough for the noise of thoughts passing through my head. The silence came with open arms. The streetlights were turning off at one point, and the light still didn’t poke through – leaving the streets in darkness. It is as if you are blind, walking on the street, walking but not noticing the barest surroundings.

The room was no longer a container. It has become an almost yearly ritual, the reason I left the north-east and came to a place closer to the equator. For that would mean I can take in, absorb, the maximum amount of warmth from the sun, yet when that strength is no longer absorbed I feel parched, cold. My sleep would shift, and I would walk these streets at night.

She said that music is a cure for somethings. It kept people in motion, in an eternal graced movement that said nothing of the world, except to yourself. Music, alcohol, semblances of drugs. Food. Nothing. Nothingness. I would fall asleep and go insane and dream and wake up and dream some more. The insanity no longer was stuck to the night world, but became me as I walked around the world in a corpse.

Shower? Why shower a dead man, walking around as if a corpse. Gaunt from the food, or lack of thereof. Spent more time by myself, walking around, walking and staring at the starlight move through the grace of the clouds. Walking on the streets themselves, with no purpose – staring at the walls and people, taking note of nothing but the oblivion that I sought. The walls became smeared of colors, the faces became like that of demons sneering, snickering, talking. Sipping the alcohol in the bars, Groups of them just eating and feasting and drinking their lives away for what? Friendship? Trust? A chance to get inebriated and walk in the world and look through my eyes?

Do you know what happens to a person when their day cycle revolves around the night? The periods were you wake up and see night and sleep and wake up and sleep and dream and walk and dream some more? Dreams that are realities, only to be broken up and controlled by you. A separation that grows and divides. I dream of people speaking to me and I am replying but I would reply with the social conventions thrown out of the window in the madness that seeks nothing but replies and dreams and dreams and dreams.

In those rare moments that the light is about I would be asked for my absence and I would reply with many different things. All of them are true, but none of them are the source. Lethargy, Games, Dreams. The true source of this insanity is the ever growing pressure that I would leave and be left alone and then what would happen? I would continue, seek companionship, grow, move on, move further, dream and build and dream some more, under the gaze of the matron of night.


I would notice the ruptures in the silence occasionally. Sure I would grow oblivious, but in reality I would notice. How drivers would move staring at the walls. How that inelegant whore would stare at the passerby with greed – overvaluing herself. How the silence would mix with the platter of rain when the noise was insurmountable. Music. The continuation, the movement. The continuous evils that contained nothing but a ploy. Ignorant children calling something good and another thing evil. We all are evil to the stone. I care nothing for the fellow man, but how to use them to move forwards my own goals. How to set the stones in the passage that I would care for.

Insanity. Insanity, delving into the dreams of a dead man. What is it that counts a man as living or dead? Companionship. Thoughts, friends, speech. Breath, food. There are the figurative and metaphysical rules of living. The moments of feeling, or the moments in which feelings are removed both count as the act of touching perhaps. But would it count? Friends have just became a mirror image of what they just once were. The speech has become rehearsed, day after day with the ignorant forgetting and speaking once again. Touches with the world that was with the living are gone as night after night – walking on the street is just the insanity and movement insurmountable. With the demons walking on the street, with the faze of the night sky becoming something almost unreal. Madness, sadness, laughter, joy, those feelings are given when you are surrounded by people. But at those moments, walking on that street at night, emotions are gone.

What is called emotion then is gone. So yes, I would be classified as a dead man walking. Gaunt and estranged, movements with sound and thought and silence. In a box large enough that can contain the thoughts.


Thoughts would roam from different things. From different senses of sanity to the true reaction of obliviousness. Thoughts would move from ideas of something greater to how the day went. How in the morning I went to class, we talked about the ideas of this or that piece. How the reactions of each classmate was the same. How it is always the same with the inner jibes continuing and going on. Insanity and breadth. But none of that would actually happen. That would just be in the dream with the clouds flowing backwards outside of the window. A phone call here or there, but I would swear, I could swear that it actually happened.

I would talk in my sleep. React to questions but never remember my replies. My thoughts would remain to the movements that occurred, that insanity that brings together everything and nothing. Oh how the days will pass in everything and nothing and wondering and thinking and hoping and waking. Dead man walking, the mortification endless in the imagination of life, or what it can be. Life, life and life and movements and dreams and walking and what is the difference between me and the next man in the ever present dream?