Category Archives: Blog

Continue Me

“Continue Me” is a Last Letter / First Letter word game that was released on Google Play in 2015. It was a runner up in the Netherland Game Awards in Beirut, Lebanon 2013, when it was released as a web game. After dozens of different iterations, this version has over 150,000 different playable words – so that you can see who is the best wordsmith among your friends.

Screens for the game Continue Me
Screens for the game Continue Me


Some things are gone, through misuse or just forgetting them.

Some things are gone, through misuse, or just being forgotten and falling into disrepair. At that moment, when nature takes over, it becomes alien to us.

6 month hiatus ending

So after 6 months away from here I am finally back and will be continuing to do my best with posting art and stuff up here.


Coloring Bleach’s chapter 555

Coloring Bleach's chapter 555

Colorizing a chapter of Bleach for a friend. Finished coloring chapter 1, if I can do it all though, I’d like to color the entire thing.



In yellow, there is a hand wrapped around a grenade, as if the person is holding it back. But inside, outlined in red, is another person throwing the very same grenade. The idea is that each person can both instigate a war, or stop it.

Grenade. Mixed Media on Watercolor Paper. A4. Monsters and Men Series.