Category Archives: Blog

Alternate Version of Fayrouz

Alternate Version of Fayrouz

Thought I could give it another shot. Here’s an alternate painting of Fayrouz


I think I over did it a bit with creating monsters. I mean seriously, the monsters that I’m drawing feel like Goya’s wet dream. Large headed babies pushing their skulls on the ground, a huge maw of teeth snapping in front, pushed by tiny little bodies.

Concepts and prototypes

Created the new GDD for the next game. I also finished the assets needed for the shrubs, trees, leaves, mountains and sky. What I’ve done for the trees and leaves is fit them like puzzle pieces, probably need to mark where the trees would fit the leaves. This way they would be randomly generated and instead of having just 6 leaf types, and 7 tree types, you would see 42 different trees per game.

Now what’s left is to continue to create the monsters. What I was thinking about was doing the same thing as leaves and trees, by creating what is the horn or nose, body, head, tail, feet, and attach them to a wire frame, so that the body parts are randomized, with the color randomized and the elemental type resistance randomized. So where each level will have 10 different monsters, for a total amount of 50 different monsters, the 50 monsters would be randomized with 3,600 different possibilities.

Or less actually, so we can limit what each of the five stages has to offer. The first stage being land monsters for instance, then the second flying monsters and land, and so on.

And then for the multiplayer action, the monsters can either double, or become stronger, or gain more abilities (or a combination).


Alright, moral of this post is that I need to go back to the GDD and make sure it has everything outlined that’s needed, with some room to change.

Coming up with a hashtag for the workshop.

So for the workshop, going to be doing the hashtag of #WBAltcity.

As for next projects, since this one is coming to a close, there are three other projects I want to start working on, but each one should have a specialized developer for them, so we can try producing a total of 3 games a month to two months.

Worldbuilding Workshop at AltCity

Worldbuilding Workshop at AltCity

I’m doing a world building workshop from a literary point of view at AltCity on the 7th of October to the 11th from 7 pm to 10 pm. The entire thing is best for world creation from a beginner to intermediate level. As long as you can write, you are set.

Day 1 will be about GDD’s, the Story and Art Bible.
Day 2 World Building – do’s and don’ts, creating the neverending story, fictional realism.
Day 3, Cartography for games
Day 4, Landscape design, how to convey the story to the artist. For example there was a war here 50 years ago, between the two sides of the populace, which shaped the environment due to magic.
Day 5, Character design, building the backstory and how to make it both believable, and relatable.

The price is 200 usd, with a 25% discount to students. More information can be found with the link below or by clicking the flier. This is going be a lot of fun!

Alpha’s coming up

So the alpha is coming up soon enough. Now, let me explain why, out of all the ideologies and beliefs over God, why I would believe in it. From thursday, the weekend before the Alpha is due, internet was down at home. Then we ran out of food. Then we ran out of gas to cook the food. And then we ran out of coffee.


So the reason I would believe in a divine supernatural power is because it takes some kind of sick bastard to cause and take pleasure in giving people heart attacks.

That said, Alpha is on tuesday, but it will be fine.

Sanctuary Game Studios

Sanctuary Game Studios

3 months ago, I started a company called Sanctuary Game Studios. We’ve been working on a few games up till now, at first practicing on smudging the time, as well as writing and creating the art for the GDD’s and the games. We’re going to be releasing our first game soon, as well as hopefully one of our first apps as well. It’s kind of where I disappeared to the last few months, but it is well worth it. Just a head’s up, and I’ll post our free to play game here soon enough!

P.S. For now, we are releasing an educational game. At least single player for now, but multiplayer soon enough.

Cool stuff

So some pretty cool stuff has been happening lately, and one of them is that House on Mars, a pretty awesome store here in Hamra, is going to be sponsoring the art!

Which means that they would be offering prints and stuff of my art at their stores. So I’m pretty excited!