Tag Archives: 3D printer

3-D Printer Brings Dexterity To Children With No Fingers : Shots – Health News : NPR

I love reading about 3-D printers, and discovered three yesterday at Geek Express. Now taking in the idea about what is happening next door in Lebanon, something like this would be amazing to pull off, or at the very least to fit limbs for the beggars here.

Did you know that the car in Skyfall was 3-D printed as well? Heck, what is stopping us from creating controllers for games with 3-D printers? There are so many applications for it, yet hearing about how it is used, especially with things like this, is particularly heart warming.


The link is below this, so check it out.

3-D Printer Brings Dexterity To Children With No Fingers : Shots – Health News : NPR.

Midnight Dinners and 3D Printers

If Christmas was early, or at least my birthday (I was born on the 27th, so lets go with that), I’d wish for a 3D printer. And then I would start printing small models of dragons and ogres. Or, or, I would print new dishes for a dinner party.

I would like to do Midnight Dinner’s on a regular basis. Every Friday for instance. Start at Midnight, end at roughly around 6 am? A 7 course meal, each one spaced out with the guests invited to do something entertaining.

Someone does magic tricks as a hobby? There you go. Play an instrument? Bring the instrument along. Sing in the shower? Be prepared to sing.

But a six course meal, the theme and setting costumed and filled with decadence. Starters of salad, then soup, then an entree, then a meat dish, a fish dish, main dish, and then desserts. The first one though should be held in a forest.

A dining table set up in the middle of a forest, small chandelier lights hanging from underneath to give out a soft glow, candles on top flickering over a palpable meal.

Anyways, at one point or another I will be holding things like this. Something out of the “Night Circus” for those who have read that book. At the very least, it would be an interesting exhibition to hold.