Tag Archives: applications

3-D Printer Brings Dexterity To Children With No Fingers : Shots – Health News : NPR

I love reading about 3-D printers, and discovered three yesterday at Geek Express. Now taking in the idea about what is happening next door in Lebanon, something like this would be amazing to pull off, or at the very least to fit limbs for the beggars here.

Did you know that the car in Skyfall was 3-D printed as well? Heck, what is stopping us from creating controllers for games with 3-D printers? There are so many applications for it, yet hearing about how it is used, especially with things like this, is particularly heart warming.


The link is below this, so check it out.

3-D Printer Brings Dexterity To Children With No Fingers : Shots – Health News : NPR.