Tag Archives: blog


Some things are gone, through misuse or just forgetting them.

Some things are gone, through misuse, or just being forgotten and falling into disrepair. At that moment, when nature takes over, it becomes alien to us.

Computer died

So hi. My computer died, and with that half the process I go through with creating the art, putting the line art on the computer and continuing to paint then print it out, repaint by hand is pretty much postponed. Was able to borrow a friend’s mini-laptop for a week or so, so I can make these posts and what not, but I really wish I was able to reach 200 paintings even.

The workshop has been doing alright, could have had more people but that’s alright. Another one is planned during the first week of November, probably with a focus on the landscaping design aspect of worldbuilding. Yesterday, during the workshop, time really flew by too fast over the three hours, and I really wish we had more time to go over writing out the different aspects of the worlds we were creating. On the third day, we took the ideas for games we made on the first day and made traditional maps of the locations, and then focused it, then work on the history of the area and the building composition and stuff. Last night, at the end of the workshop, I asked them to re-visit the original idea that they pulled up with the game, now that they created the world that it is based in, and we’ll see how the games changed today at 7 when we are working on the character design on the story and narrative front.

But the next workshop should be between 5 to 10 people. Not more, as there wouldn’t be enough time to go through with everything. And I’m looking for another laptop in the meantime. And also looking for a place closer to Hamra, since that would cut down transportation costs each day.

And the end of the current game competition is coming up. I need to get the hard drive of my last laptop and make it into an external, so I can access the game and stuff, and release it / submit the final to the competition. So priorities are kind of set out. But the workshop for today, the last day, is in 2 hours – so I need to double check that everything is perfect. But that is what’s up with me now, (in addition to working on the new game) in lieu of the gigantic absence.


So yeah, need to try to sell the stuff I have with me now, I mean, 170 paintings IS rather a good choice to pick from instead of a few dozen. And if I can sell that, I can probably have enough extra money to fix everything this month and go see the family in Jordan for a few days. It has been a while.

Supposed exhibition tomorrow and moving

So there was a mishap with the supposed exhibition tomorrow and it has been pushed back till September. The one on the 3rd is still going to happen though.

That said, I may not be posting new things over the coming next few days, as I am currently moving on the 2nd. As of now, just trying to sell as many paintings as possible to scrounge up the extra cash to help with that. I’ll be posting the painting done yesterday and today now.

Finished the robot

Finished the robot painting. 230 cm wide, 170 cm tall. Added the landscape, strengthened the contrast with the paint, and painted with glue as well. It’s going to be on display later tonight there, getting paid for the work in full on the 1st, and I got two sheets of glass worth 150 USD in addition to that.

Next step, to finish the things I didn’t finish on the to-do list from earlier today? yesterday? If you don’t sleep, can you still use earlier today, albeit much much earlier?

Goals for today

1. Finish the reworked deathmachine (done)

2. Finish the gustav design (almost done)

3. Finish the painting for the Mad Water small tables

4. Reapply the water-seal to the old paintings

5. Turn in the paintings for exhibition 1

6. Turn in paintings for exhibition 2

7. Send out the needed emails

New Art (Joker and Death Robot Machine)

So I had two commissions so far: One was for a painting of the Joker, and another for this giant death robot thingy to be painted on the wall of an internet cafe. Joker is finished, I need to find the memory card chip so I can put that here.

But for the robot, i’m still working on the design for that. 1.5 meters tall and around 8 feet long. I’ll be finishing this one in a few days. Fun!

edit: Found the micro sd card, here we go

Repainted for Joe
Repainted for Joe