Tag Archives: commission

Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole, requested by Samar. Painted this one with photoshop, had to keep on saving and flattening the image, as it was too big and lagging everything with 600 dpi.


Rabbit Hole commisson
Rabbit hole

Wedding Commission

There is a wedding commission as well, to draw out the wed-to-be (is that the right word?) in a manga form. Just saw the email and got reminded heh.

Final Death Machine

Final painting for the Death Machine, ready to be put on plexiglass tomorrow. The landscape and logo would be put down separately.

robot final

Making a landscape for the robot

Trying to make a landscape for the robot, still work in progress, but lets see where it takes us.landscape wip

Mad Water Piece

So the “Mad Water” piece is going be put on plexiglass and made into a table for Mad Water. They also asked for 3 more. Excited? Yes. I’ll post pictures of that as it happens, first one tomorrow hopefully.

What shows madness to you?

Robot Knight and Shield wip

Robot Knight and Shield wip

Landscape is probably going be painted. Need to find corpses to place around the robot’s feet, and some moody slash heroic lighting to fall around him and the cape.


The sword was based off of FFX’s sword, and the shield off the Daedric armor shield from Skyrim.

Death Machine Reds wip

Death Machine Reds wip

Death Machine Reds work in progress. Need to put in the machine gun sword and make the red platings more metallic. And add the big shield as well