Tag Archives: commission

Prints and Commissions

I was thinking about creating something for prints and commissions on the website. I mean, that would be pretty awesome, and some people could get the prints for existing works printed at a place near them, or you could order a commission here. Would anyone be interested in something like that?

Death Machine W.I.P.

This is the death robot that I’m working on. The client asked for something along the lines from RT online, so I nabbed one of the robots there, and am working on getting the same feeling as RT, but changing the robot entirely.

So I put in the lines for the machine and put in the shield and sword. Next step is to add in the metallic armor, so reddish blackish hues like a skyrim daedric armor. Bulk him up, add death lasers as a mantle around the neck. Skulls would be hanging down the sword from enemies slain. He would be wading out of a bloody battlefield, standing almost triumphantly on a hill. Then I have to put in the words GG, so I was thinking that it would be both on the shield and the cape.

Fun stuff.


Reverse Engineering a death robot from RT online.
Reverse Engineering a death robot from RT online.

New Art (Joker and Death Robot Machine)

So I had two commissions so far: One was for a painting of the Joker, and another for this giant death robot thingy to be painted on the wall of an internet cafe. Joker is finished, I need to find the memory card chip so I can put that here.

But for the robot, i’m still working on the design for that. 1.5 meters tall and around 8 feet long. I’ll be finishing this one in a few days. Fun!

edit: Found the micro sd card, here we go

Repainted for Joe
Repainted for Joe