Tag Archives: competition

Computer died

So hi. My computer died, and with that half the process I go through with creating the art, putting the line art on the computer and continuing to paint then print it out, repaint by hand is pretty much postponed. Was able to borrow a friend’s mini-laptop for a week or so, so I can make these posts and what not, but I really wish I was able to reach 200 paintings even.

The workshop has been doing alright, could have had more people but that’s alright. Another one is planned during the first week of November, probably with a focus on the landscaping design aspect of worldbuilding. Yesterday, during the workshop, time really flew by too fast over the three hours, and I really wish we had more time to go over writing out the different aspects of the worlds we were creating. On the third day, we took the ideas for games we made on the first day and made traditional maps of the locations, and then focused it, then work on the history of the area and the building composition and stuff. Last night, at the end of the workshop, I asked them to re-visit the original idea that they pulled up with the game, now that they created the world that it is based in, and we’ll see how the games changed today at 7 when we are working on the character design on the story and narrative front.

But the next workshop should be between 5 to 10 people. Not more, as there wouldn’t be enough time to go through with everything. And I’m looking for another laptop in the meantime. And also looking for a place closer to Hamra, since that would cut down transportation costs each day.

And the end of the current game competition is coming up. I need to get the hard drive of my last laptop and make it into an external, so I can access the game and stuff, and release it / submit the final to the competition. So priorities are kind of set out. But the workshop for today, the last day, is in 2 hours – so I need to double check that everything is perfect. But that is what’s up with me now, (in addition to working on the new game) in lieu of the gigantic absence.


So yeah, need to try to sell the stuff I have with me now, I mean, 170 paintings IS rather a good choice to pick from instead of a few dozen. And if I can sell that, I can probably have enough extra money to fix everything this month and go see the family in Jordan for a few days. It has been a while.

Interview tomorrow for the gallery

Have an interview tomorrow for a gallery.. I was told to pass between 2 to 5 pm, so I’ll need to borrow my roommate’s bike if he’s fine with it. Hmm, I was thinking about potential prizes for the competitions too.

Here’s the thing. I want to hold one every week or every other week. If there are people willing to put up a prize, or a discount card or something as a reward, that would be great. But that would be best for people within the same country. So the other option is a potluck prize. Each person puts in a couple of dollars and the winner takes all. The money from that would be transferred with paypal or something to the winner.

Anyways, that’s for a later point. Lets see what happens with this one now – and I really need to get back to working on the art. Still 23 paintings left, and then I need to submit more t-shirt designs. Hmmm…

New Toys and all nighters

So I got new toys, ZBrush, Photoshop CS6, and Painter 12. It’s going to take getting used to, instead of the open-sourced equivalents, but I think it will help tremendously in making better art. (At least for Vectors, GIMP is horrible for making vectors).


That said, working on the Gustav commission now. I finished the sketches, which is toying around the idea of the two faces of the owners, with rainbow trees branching upwards breaking into branches filled with plates and sweets, to where the top spreads out into the milky way and connects the two thoughts. And then the art nouveau pastels as colors and a rectangle in the middle containing the shop’s sign and words.


That said, I need to go and make a quick run and take another photograph of the shop sign, the one I did before was a bad quality version, and then come on back and work on that. Tomorrow though, after work, there is the competition meeting, and I think I’ll be pulling another all nighter to finish the painting at the network cafe. I was able to get the place closed down for one day and night to finish that. I also need to meet up with Gustav’s owners, and then see if we can arrange a time where they could close a bit earlier than usual so I can work on the painting on the metal shutters there.

Fun, fun, fun.

Thoughts on the upcoming competition.

So there is a game design competition being held soon. I think I mentioned that before. I want a team of four.

  • Coder
  • Writer
  • Sound
  • Art

I don’t want it to be among friends, but four people who can work together to make as many games as they can, with the purpose of making as much money as they can while dishing out high quality works. The competition is going to be for 3 months, with no rules saying that we have to start from scratch. So why stop at just one?

The meeting about the rules of the competition is on Monday. I’m sure that other people have already made their groups as well. To be honest though, if I find a good group to work with, I am not going care about the competition as much as working with the (men and/or women) to create as many games as we can.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t.

Good news and Bad news

Bad news first.

So I spent the day at the ER today. Something about spitting out parts of my tonsils and blood today in the morning had to do with that. 7 hours later, I was told that it was the worst case of tonsillitis that they have ever seen. That and I have a huge pain tolerance, because I was reporting a low amount of pain with swallowing. And that I should take medication for a week then go back to the ENT in a week to check up.

That said, the good news is that there is a game design competition coming up, hosted by the Netherlands Embassy. I’ll be joining, but will need to find someone who would specialize in the art and coding aspects. I asked if I can join more than one team, which would be great in practicing on working on multiple projects. I really want to try to create three or four games at a time, and keep dishing top quality work out. This is going be so much fun.