Tag Archives: death machine robot

Wednesday Morning’s Death Machine.

So from tuesday till wednesday morning I was working on finishing the death machine. This is the final image to it!

final death machine

final death machine

Final death machine robot. Did a rework of it, client’s request. Removed the sword and shield, replaced it with an axe. Landscape will be done on the glass, and background.

all nighter round… guess I lost count

So tonight is the final all-nighter for the network cafe’s painting. Starting in an hour or so, will need to make some food before that and pick up the 3 sheets of glass from home.

Robot Knight and Shield wip

Robot Knight and Shield wip

Landscape is probably going be painted. Need to find corpses to place around the robot’s feet, and some moody slash heroic lighting to fall around him and the cape.


The sword was based off of FFX’s sword, and the shield off the Daedric armor shield from Skyrim.

Death Machine Reds wip

Death Machine Reds wip

Death Machine Reds work in progress. Need to put in the machine gun sword and make the red platings more metallic. And add the big shield as well

New Art (Joker and Death Robot Machine)

So I had two commissions so far: One was for a painting of the Joker, and another for this giant death robot thingy to be painted on the wall of an internet cafe. Joker is finished, I need to find the memory card chip so I can put that here.

But for the robot, i’m still working on the design for that. 1.5 meters tall and around 8 feet long. I’ll be finishing this one in a few days. Fun!

edit: Found the micro sd card, here we go

Repainted for Joe
Repainted for Joe