Tag Archives: exhibition

Supposed exhibition tomorrow and moving

So there was a mishap with the supposed exhibition tomorrow and it has been pushed back till September. The one on the 3rd is still going to happen though.

That said, I may not be posting new things over the coming next few days, as I am currently moving on the 2nd. As of now, just trying to sell as many paintings as possible to scrounge up the extra cash to help with that. I’ll be posting the painting done yesterday and today now.

Exhibiting Art – What’s coming soon

So, we have 4 exhibitions coming up next month, each one around 12-14 + paintings. Two in Gemmayzeh, one in Mar Mikhael, and one in Hamra. Right now though, 2 paintings are being exhibited at Captain’s Cabin, and 2 at Citizen Smith. I need to actually drop off a new one at Citizen Smith, as one was sold the moment it was put up. (Which is really fantastic).

So, 2 places being exhibited now, and 4 coming up next month, more details on that as it goes through the process and becomes finalized.

What’s next on the list?

So for every commission finished, two more are picked up. I may be exhibiting in 3 or 4 more places over the coming months as well. Right now I’m working on Samar’s piece, the “Rabbit Hole” piece is up at the bar for anyone who would like to pass by and check it out.

Also. Business cards? I want to wait to create one until I make the site into a proper site, so I can include it on the card. But at the same time, I am getting asked a lot more lately if I have a business card or not.

Anyways, enough procrastination. I’m seeing if I can finish two paintings at a time, and time it. The 6 hours last night was really too much, and I am not going to overprice someone over the extra time spent.


As I mentioned below, there was the “Request” piece, as a request for War. This is the second piece, “Denied”. Denied here is the love between the gas masked man and the skeleton. It’s a love that won’t work out. So on one hand, the requests for war fall through. For guns and such. But on the other, for love?


Anyways, here is the piece. Enjoy:

Denied, Rapture Series
Denied, Rapture Series

Request for War

Part of the Rapture Series. There is a Request painting, which is this one, and a Denied painting, which follows. The Request is for guns, and denied is for love. Strange thing really.

request for war
request for war

Don’t Go in There

Don’t Go in There, Rapture series. Character design by Shawkat Houri, Painting by Sagger Khraishi


Don't go in there

Loujain’s Exhibition Article on Rapture

Loujain’s Exhibition Article on Rapture

We were interviewed for the exhibition Rapture, and this was the end result by Loujain Rabbat.