Tag Archives: GDD

Concepts and prototypes

Created the new GDD for the next game. I also finished the assets needed for the shrubs, trees, leaves, mountains and sky. What I’ve done for the trees and leaves is fit them like puzzle pieces, probably need to mark where the trees would fit the leaves. This way they would be randomly generated and instead of having just 6 leaf types, and 7 tree types, you would see 42 different trees per game.

Now what’s left is to continue to create the monsters. What I was thinking about was doing the same thing as leaves and trees, by creating what is the horn or nose, body, head, tail, feet, and attach them to a wire frame, so that the body parts are randomized, with the color randomized and the elemental type resistance randomized. So where each level will have 10 different monsters, for a total amount of 50 different monsters, the 50 monsters would be randomized with 3,600 different possibilities.

Or less actually, so we can limit what each of the five stages has to offer. The first stage being land monsters for instance, then the second flying monsters and land, and so on.

And then for the multiplayer action, the monsters can either double, or become stronger, or gain more abilities (or a combination).


Alright, moral of this post is that I need to go back to the GDD and make sure it has everything outlined that’s needed, with some room to change.

A game design document template


Here is a link to a GDD Template that I made for Sanctuary Game Studios. The purpose of this is simply that there is no standardized version of the template. Each one is tailored to your individual needs, but this one should cover most of the bases.

A game design document is basically the skeleton of your game. It is often paired off with the art bible, technical bible, and story bible, which adds the fleshy direction you want the game to go in. It is much much easier to create a game with a GDD than without one, as you would need to be as detailed as possible with this so something like the following doesn’t exist.

Without a GDD:

Note: “In the second scene there is a square that gives a power up.” (Where you mean a blue square, but everyone already knows that right?)

When the designer is creating the scene… “Oh, a square. Lets make it brown, and when it is collected gives super strength to the player.”

With a GDD:

Note: “In the second scene in the lower left corner of the map there is a blue square that when jumped on gives a power up of extra speed to the player.”

So feel free to download and use it for your own games or designs. Enjoy!