Tag Archives: good news

Good news and Bad news

Bad news first.

So I spent the day at the ER today. Something about spitting out parts of my tonsils and blood today in the morning had to do with that. 7 hours later, I was told that it was the worst case of tonsillitis that they have ever seen. That and I have a huge pain tolerance, because I was reporting a low amount of pain with swallowing. And that I should take medication for a week then go back to the ENT in a week to check up.

That said, the good news is that there is a game design competition coming up, hosted by the Netherlands Embassy. I’ll be joining, but will need to find someone who would specialize in the art and coding aspects. I asked if I can join more than one team, which would be great in practicing on working on multiple projects. I really want to try to create three or four games at a time, and keep dishing top quality work out. This is going be so much fun.