Tag Archives: hamra

Worldbuilding Workshop at AltCity

Worldbuilding Workshop at AltCity

I’m doing a world building workshop from a literary point of view at AltCity on the 7th of October to the 11th from 7 pm to 10 pm. The entire thing is best for world creation from a beginner to intermediate level. As long as you can write, you are set.

Day 1 will be about GDD’s, the Story and Art Bible.
Day 2 World Building – do’s and don’ts, creating the neverending story, fictional realism.
Day 3, Cartography for games
Day 4, Landscape design, how to convey the story to the artist. For example there was a war here 50 years ago, between the two sides of the populace, which shaped the environment due to magic.
Day 5, Character design, building the backstory and how to make it both believable, and relatable.

The price is 200 usd, with a 25% discount to students. More information can be found with the link below or by clicking the flier. This is going be a lot of fun!


Mad Water Piece

So the “Mad Water” piece is going be put on plexiglass and made into a table for Mad Water. They also asked for 3 more. Excited? Yes. I’ll post pictures of that as it happens, first one tomorrow hopefully.

What shows madness to you?