Tag Archives: Indie

Sanctuary Game Studios

Sanctuary Game Studios

Made the company public on facebook, after keeping it private for a while. From there, until the website goes live, most of the updates on games, as well as workshops being given would be found. I want to make the artificial culture in the middle east stronger, with creating a better competitive culture that is supported by the general populace. And then, when it reaches a point where my vision is moving in the right direction with the company, with both points A) of the company being able to grow and sustain itself, and B) that the company is at a state where it can also start the sub-branches, I would move to another country and start a branch there. And keep doing that until the ball is set rolling with other members to where they can do it themselves.


And in the end, each country would have their own Sanctuary Game Studios branched off there, teaching people how to make games, developing unique games of their own, and supporting the growth of game developers themselves. With that, it doesn’t become a plea to the governments and countries to try to raise the quality of living by themselves, but instead it becomes the company itself taking the leash in its’ hands and forcing a positive change in the living and intellectual standards that each person ought to be able to have.


To be able to do that, that would be fucking hot. But those are my aspirations for the company, the goals are more down to earth to reach that state.

Coming up with a hashtag for the workshop.

So for the workshop, going to be doing the hashtag of #WBAltcity.

As for next projects, since this one is coming to a close, there are three other projects I want to start working on, but each one should have a specialized developer for them, so we can try producing a total of 3 games a month to two months.

Alpha’s coming up

So the alpha is coming up soon enough. Now, let me explain why, out of all the ideologies and beliefs over God, why I would believe in it. From thursday, the weekend before the Alpha is due, internet was down at home. Then we ran out of food. Then we ran out of gas to cook the food. And then we ran out of coffee.


So the reason I would believe in a divine supernatural power is because it takes some kind of sick bastard to cause and take pleasure in giving people heart attacks.

That said, Alpha is on tuesday, but it will be fine.

Sanctuary Game Studios

Sanctuary Game Studios

3 months ago, I started a company called Sanctuary Game Studios. We’ve been working on a few games up till now, at first practicing on smudging the time, as well as writing and creating the art for the GDD’s and the games. We’re going to be releasing our first game soon, as well as hopefully one of our first apps as well. It’s kind of where I disappeared to the last few months, but it is well worth it. Just a head’s up, and I’ll post our free to play game here soon enough!

P.S. For now, we are releasing an educational game. At least single player for now, but multiplayer soon enough.

A game design document template


Here is a link to a GDD Template that I made for Sanctuary Game Studios. The purpose of this is simply that there is no standardized version of the template. Each one is tailored to your individual needs, but this one should cover most of the bases.

A game design document is basically the skeleton of your game. It is often paired off with the art bible, technical bible, and story bible, which adds the fleshy direction you want the game to go in. It is much much easier to create a game with a GDD than without one, as you would need to be as detailed as possible with this so something like the following doesn’t exist.

Without a GDD:

Note: “In the second scene there is a square that gives a power up.” (Where you mean a blue square, but everyone already knows that right?)

When the designer is creating the scene… “Oh, a square. Lets make it brown, and when it is collected gives super strength to the player.”

With a GDD:

Note: “In the second scene in the lower left corner of the map there is a blue square that when jumped on gives a power up of extra speed to the player.”

So feel free to download and use it for your own games or designs. Enjoy!