Tag Archives: mixed media

Sector 55 Jupiter Colony Ad poster

Sector 55 Advertisement Poster. Come over to the Jupiter Colony. 150 credits entrance fee.

Concept Art for possible worlds. Cool huh?

Sector 55 Advertisement Poster. Come over to the Jupiter Colony. 150 credits entrance fee.
Sector 55 Advertisement Poster. Come over to the Jupiter Colony. 150 credits entrance fee.

Couple Commission

Couple Commission

A couple wanted a painting done for them, but went the mixed media route with that. Cut outs, strong lines, playing with sponges and stuff. Here we go.

Oh yeah, this may be one of the very few ones I’ve done for something other than money. Coffee. Traded this for 10 cups of special coffee at a cafe, which is worth more than what I was charging for the painting. Egh, why not?



A rework of a traditional painting I made. I took the photo of it a long time ago, but the quality is pretty bad to the extent where I can’t simply fix it. So just messing with it, to create the Black and White mythological bird creature?



I tend to do a google search every time I do a painting to make sure that nobody can say it was plagiarized. I don’t like messing with that stuff. Anyways, here’s Venom. Played a bit with the letterings when I was finishing it up. Let me know what you think!

Boy that turned into a tree

Boy that turned into a tree

It’s been a week since my last post, and things have been a bit hectic. Computer screen broke and was replaced, glasses broke and are fixed (both pairs), and the internet has been going on and off at odd hours.

Anyways, this is last night’s piece, started the idea of it when I was drawing a tree on a ledge and my friend said it looked like claws and I made them look like legs.

And the boy who loved the swing stopped playing at it, grew up, and became the support for future generations to play at the swing.