Tag Archives: monsters and men



In yellow, there is a hand wrapped around a grenade, as if the person is holding it back. But inside, outlined in red, is another person throwing the very same grenade. The idea is that each person can both instigate a war, or stop it.

Grenade. Mixed Media on Watercolor Paper. A4. Monsters and Men Series.



Dentists. Mixed media on watercolor paper. A4. Monsters and Men collection



If you are diagnosed with a mental disease, you are automatically painted with a hundred different colors. The problem with that is well, you are painted with a hundred different colors, which all just serve to strangle you with different points of view. That’s why there are so many different vines strangling him from the straight jacket, that the person in the painting is turning blue.

Strangulation. Mixed Media on Watercolor paper. A4. Monsters Series.