Tag Archives: paintings

Finished the robot

Finished the robot painting. 230 cm wide, 170 cm tall. Added the landscape, strengthened the contrast with the paint, and painted with glue as well. It’s going to be on display later tonight there, getting paid for the work in full on the 1st, and I got two sheets of glass worth 150 USD in addition to that.

Next step, to finish the things I didn’t finish on the to-do list from earlier today? yesterday? If you don’t sleep, can you still use earlier today, albeit much much earlier?

Interview tomorrow for the gallery

Have an interview tomorrow for a gallery.. I was told to pass between 2 to 5 pm, so I’ll need to borrow my roommate’s bike if he’s fine with it. Hmm, I was thinking about potential prizes for the competitions too.

Here’s the thing. I want to hold one every week or every other week. If there are people willing to put up a prize, or a discount card or something as a reward, that would be great. But that would be best for people within the same country. So the other option is a potluck prize. Each person puts in a couple of dollars and the winner takes all. The money from that would be transferred with paypal or something to the winner.

Anyways, that’s for a later point. Lets see what happens with this one now – and I really need to get back to working on the art. Still 23 paintings left, and then I need to submit more t-shirt designs. Hmmm…