Tag Archives: rapture

Bastardizing old art

So there is a painting that I did awhile back, for the rapture series. “Here’s to you, my good man”. I don’t like it, chances are that it will never sell, so I ended up tearing it off and cleaning the sheet of plexiglass. There is another piece that I want to do with it instead, “Halcyon Days” with a collage.

Tarot Cards

I am thinking about making a tarot card style deck of steampunk art. Was doing some sketches for it at the hospital today, but I would go into it properly later tonight and plan it out.That would be pretty sick. The cards would be closer to the rapture style of art, and would be based on the seedier darker side of Beirut. I’ll post them as they are worked on here, and would definitely not mind giving away the first set done.

For those of you that already own a set, do you have anything in mind that could help make this better? This is going be so much fun!


As I mentioned below, there was the “Request” piece, as a request for War. This is the second piece, “Denied”. Denied here is the love between the gas masked man and the skeleton. It’s a love that won’t work out. So on one hand, the requests for war fall through. For guns and such. But on the other, for love?


Anyways, here is the piece. Enjoy:

Denied, Rapture Series
Denied, Rapture Series

Request for War

Part of the Rapture Series. There is a Request painting, which is this one, and a Denied painting, which follows. The Request is for guns, and denied is for love. Strange thing really.

request for war
request for war

Don’t Go in There

Don’t Go in There, Rapture series. Character design by Shawkat Houri, Painting by Sagger Khraishi


Don't go in there

Loujain’s Exhibition Article on Rapture

Loujain’s Exhibition Article on Rapture

We were interviewed for the exhibition Rapture, and this was the end result by Loujain Rabbat.