Tag Archives: rework



A rework of a traditional painting I made. I took the photo of it a long time ago, but the quality is pretty bad to the extent where I can’t simply fix it. So just messing with it, to create the Black and White mythological bird creature?

final death machine

final death machine

Final death machine robot. Did a rework of it, client’s request. Removed the sword and shield, replaced it with an axe. Landscape will be done on the glass, and background.

Bastardizing old art

So there is a painting that I did awhile back, for the rapture series. “Here’s to you, my good man”. I don’t like it, chances are that it will never sell, so I ended up tearing it off and cleaning the sheet of plexiglass. There is another piece that I want to do with it instead, “Halcyon Days” with a collage.